_Hello again from Maybelle Farm. Its Monday Jan.16, 2012 and it was 10 below zero when I got up this morning! WOW! That is too cold for me. I really wanted to just curl up and stay in my nice warm, cozy bed but I knew my sheep needed to be fed and I had to fill 9 heated water buckets. I can tell you, it didn't take me long to do chores! The sheep sort of saw a blurrrrrr in the barn this morning! Wheee, it's too darn cold! Arly has pinkeye again or some eye infection so she is getting LA 200 3 c.c. every other day for three doses and eye ointment twice a day. I do think its better today. I called Stephen (our Vet) last Wednesday and he told me what to give her. I think he will be coming to the farm this coming Wednesday to put my very sweet old Avocado down. She is just a very tired, lame, OLD girl and I am so sad to have to tell her good-bye.
My son David used my nephew Larry's ( a.k.a COOP) backhoe and we buried Luther last Wednesday evening just before the storm hit! This coming week Larry will use his backhoe to repair our water cistern. When Hurricane Irene passed through, the water from the brook near our cistern went over the top of the cistern. We have been using bottled water ever since Aug. 28th and its getting very old by now. They will have to take the cover off and clean out the tank. It should have been done in warmer weather!!!!!!!!! I'm attaching a picture of the woodpecker at our bird feeder. We didn't have hardly any birds this winter until this last storm. Now we have chickadees, junkos, morning doves, blue jays and one red squirrel. They certainly let you know when a storm is coming because the feeder is very busy just before a storm. The sun is shinning and it looks like such a nice day but it is bitterly cold. Lets see, I got an e-mail from my friend Donna last night and she said........11 more weeks until April 1st! I am so ready for spring, so I will have to satisfy myself looking at seed catalogs! I went to Brattleboro on Saturday morning with my son David and my grandchildren Ella and Austin. It was Ella's last day at gymnastics. I will attach a picture of her with her ribbon at the end of the class. We went to "Old MacDonald's" for breakfast after her class. That is MacDonald's according to Ella. We took Austin to the barber shop for a haircut and then picked up a few things at the new Wal-Mart in Hinsdale. When we got home David cleaned up with the tractor and yesterday he plowed out to the barn for me. I had to work my 11.5 hr. shift yesterday so Darcy, Declan and Rowan took care of my dog Lettie and kept the wood stove going while Jonathan and I both were at work. Well, I guess that's all the news so far from Maybelle Farm so I will close and go get busy cleaning. There is always so much cleaning to do and I'd rather be reading a good book! HAHA! :-) So-Long from Maybelle MaMa _Good Evening from Maybelle Farm. It's Thursday night and a very sad night for me. I went out to do chores and found my beautiful Moorit ram Luther had passed away in his stall. His buddy Spartacus just stood there by Luther looking so sad as if to say "Hey, what's happened to my buddy"? Todd came out to help me move Luther and we put Spartacus into the stall next to Thistle and Stuart. Thistle is my newest ram from Kindred Spirit Farm and Stuart (a wether) is his buddy. I wanted Spartacus to be able to see them for the night. Tomorrow he can go into the pasture with them. Thistle will chase poor Spartacus until they both will be exhausted and then things will settle down. My handsome Luther would have been 11 yrs. old this coming April. I knew he was getting thin and older but I really expected to loose either Blake or Avocado first. This is the part of farming that I really don't like! I know he had a good life and he had a wonderful disposition. Farewell my beautiful friend Luther and enjoy nice green grass in sheep heaven!
Well Jonathan and I stayed home on New Years eve and I worked at Mr. G's on New Years Day. My daughter Darcy, my son David, my grandson Austin all helped me unload 88 more bales of hay so now I have enough hay to get thru March and hopefully into April! WHEWWWW!!! It sure is nice to have that done. David's children Austin and Ella stayed at Darcy's house to play with Rowan and Declan that afternoon. Hot chocolate and snacks and playing with new Christmas things was fun for all. I'm working on the plans for the after school program that starts on Jan. 9th at the Wardsboro Elementary School. Jenna Konesko and I will be teaching a 5 week class of Fiber Fun Days. We will teach the children how to process fiber, braiding, weaving, needle felting and as much more as we can fit into that 5 week session. It is very exciting to teach about fiber to students. The children will get a farm tour and meet the sheep whose fiber they work with. I plan to bring pictures of Vinca, Annika, Arwyn, Dulcie, Star, Lyra, Colby, Clementine, Chloe, Tinka, Arly, Matylda to name a few. They can each choose a picture and work with that sheep's wool! WHAT FUN! I am also in the process of filling out an eight page form to renew my nursing license and get that taken care of. It just seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. I did take a little time to spin a small amount of my Marcus & Tinka blended roving It is Coopworth/Finn/Dorset sparkling white roving and it makes you drool to spin it! WOW!! Also a lady at the "Six Loose Ladies" in Ludlow, VT called and they may be interested in my yarn and roving. It certainly would be nice to sell some of my products instead of constantly paying out for processing! Well, I'm off to get supper for Jonathan so I will say goodnight from Maybelle MaMa P.S. I am re-posting this blog to include the poem that Patty Blomgren sent to me after hearing about Luther's passing. Somewhere ~ somewhere in time's own space There must be some sweet pastured place Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow Some Paradise where sheep go, For by the love that guides your pen You know great sheep live again. |
AuthorKathleen - Farm Partner, Flock Shepherdess and great storyteller and (occasionally) Darcy - Farm partner, business "manager" and current web designer. Archives
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