I have to start this blog with some very sad news. Last Friday late afternoon I had to have my very special sweet sheep friend Vinca put down. I went out Thursday night to do chores and there was Vinca having a seizure. I ran to the house crying like a fool and called Darcy. Next I called the Vet and he said to give Dexamethazone and some Thiamine. I also gave her some Banamine because she was grinding her teeth so badly. He said it would take awhile for the stuff to work , if it was going to. Darcy arrived to help me and we took turns sitting with her. Todd arrived and gave her some more medicine to see if we could get things slowed down. The seizures were every 15 minutes and slowly over 2-3 hrs. they became less frequent. She appeared to be blind and had swelling over one eye. Darcy brought me a blanket and some hot tea and I stayed in the stall with her all night. She finally got up on her feet at 4 a.m. but was not doing well. I called and asked the Vet to come. They could not get to the farm until late afternoon. When Stephen finally checked her over, it was time to tell my sweet friend god-bye. I can not tell you how sad I am to loose Vinca. She has always been that "Special One". She would be at the gate waiting for me, I would always scratch her under the chin and she would wag her tail. The sound of her tail bumping against the wall or gate as we scratched her is something we will always remember. She was the official "Farm Greeter" and just loved attention. The barn is so quiet now and all my sheep know I'm so sad. We are all just heartsick to have lost her so suddenly. I just have to think of all the good years we had together and how much she was loved. I have to say Thank you to Darcy for helping me get through such a tough time. Thanks to Todd for helping and building her box. Thank you to Mike Fitzpatrick for coming to the farm when I needed the help.
Now I will try to write some upbeat things. I have been able to go with my friend Karen to two events. We went to the Adirondack Fiber Festival two weeks ago and had such a nice time. This last Sunday we went to the Vermont Sheep and Goat festival. I bought two new bobbins from Jane Woodhouse for my Ladybug spinning wheel. I also did a spinning demo and talk last Friday night at the Tasha Tudor Museum. This weekend is the Newfane Heritage Festival and I'm working both Saturday and Sunday in the Tasha Tudor booth. Today is my fiber class at the Wardsboro Elementary School and today we are doing Hula-hoop weaving. We have done wet felting, needlefelting and now weaving.
I guess that is about it for now. So long-from Maybelle MaMa.