I think that we have one more ewe left to lamb. Pebbles is a beautiful sparkly silver Border-Leicester/Shetland cross and I can't wait to see what she has. On Sunday May 3rd, Enid, Bob and Emily came to visit the beautiful sheep they gave me last fall. We had a lovely visit and Leo was very happy to see them, also Snowflake! They brought 6 rolls of portable fencing and today I set up 2 rolls. The sheep are so happy to be out in the green grass.
This weekend we had all 4 grandchildren here for a sleepover on Saturday night. As you can imagine, there was a lot of laughing and goofing around. They watched a really funny movie with bowls of popcorn, all set up in the living room with sleeping bags and Papa's lift chair as Ella's bed. They got to ride bikes, play in the fort, help take water to the sheep, move sheep to new pastures, and are all such a good help for me. My son David helped with meals for the kids and kept them busy yesterday while I was working. Saturday morning Darcy and the kids raked up a lot of old hay that was in the front pasture. On Saturday afternoon David brought the Mahindra tractor up and moved all the old hay down to the manure pile. Austin used the Mule to bring several loads of the old hay down to the manure pile too. We got a lot accomplished on Saturday. Darcy moved our older ram Fergus his 4 wether buddies to the back pasture. She moved Chet, Cecil and Spartacus to the pasture by my brother's driveway. I am having a very down day today. After the week of delivering lambs, working at Cindy's restaurant yesterday and having the grandchildren, I have to admit, I am whipped!
Well, that's about it for today. Grass is green and growing very fast, sheep are very happy to be out grazing and it makes it a lot easier for me to manage. Life is good at the farm. So-long from Maybelle MaMa.