A sad note from Maybelle farm that I am now finally writing about... on Tuesday March 31st we had to take Burney , the 13 yr.old Golden Retriever that was living with us, to the Vet and have him put down. He lived with us from Jan 23rd until the end of March. He belonged to an elderly man I had been a caregiver for for 1 1/2 yrs. and then Fred went into an assisted living facility. Burney was such an old sweet soul and had beautiful chocolate eyes and a permanent smile. He was very happy here with our rescue cat Tigger and my daughter's 8 yr. old Golden Kara. We are all very sad and looking for another Golden Retriever to rescue.
I have started a new job in Newfane taking care of a sweet little lady that just turned 100 yrs. old. Her family had a wonderful party for her a few weeks ago and I was able to help set up the food and have a great visit with so many people. It is a great job and I love it.
My grandson Declan's 8th birthday was on Easter this year. We had Easter Dinner here at our house with both Darcy and David's families. It was a combined Easter/Birthday party and my niece Cindy made the cutest Bunny Butt cupcakes.
We are now on lamb watch with our "lamb cam" set up in the farm house to keep a watch on the six pregnant ewes. We have three Shetlands, a Mario and two Border Leicesters expecting this spring that we bred to our Shetland rams. The lamb letter this year is "B" so any suggestions would be appreciated. My granddaughter Rowan's 11th birthday is next week and she is hoping for a lamb to be born on her birthday! We are also going to get her a couple of angora bunnies which will be a new kind of fiber for us to play with! So at the moment, life is good at Maybelle Farm. Stay tuned for lamb news soon...
Maybelle MaMa