As you can tell, I'm beyond tired and everything is very entertaining. About 6-7 weeks ago I went to the Dr. and had my foot x-rayed. I had broken my big toe from a big green metal gate falling on it. I'm in the process of loosing my toenail! OUCH!! Today I went to the Dr. and I have a broken pinky on my Rt. hand. It started about 2 weeks ago hurting and being swollen. I showed my sister, my sister-in-law, and whined to my daughter. My sister and sister-in-law both said "Oh its probably just arthritis". Darcy just laughed and said "Oh you've got a crooked little finger just like Grandma"!! No Sympathy.
New topic: Tonight Todd and Darcy went to the barn to work on poor Thistle's horns. The Vet checked him and said his right horn was growing directly towards his jaw. They put the headgear on him that Todd made, bae on a couple of earlier designs by my brothers Burdette and Everett. OUCH! I'm sure Thistle has a headache and wonders what happened to him. He is in a stall with one of his girls, Aphrodite, and will have to stay there until we take off the headgear. On Sunday Todd will give the turnbuckle one turn and then every other day until that right horn is out away from his jaw. If you look at the picture of Thistle with the metal, wire and purple duct tape, I'm sure he is saying "I've got a headache and it's got Excedrin written all over it"!!!!!!
Well I guess its time to call it a night and go to bed.
Goodnight from Maybelle MaMa