It has rained since Saturday and the grass is growing so fast, I don't know if the sheep can keep up with all the pastures! I think it is supposed to rain right through Sunday, so I will really be glad to see some sunshine someday in the near future. I'm not going to complain because the lambs are here and life is good on the farm. Darcy, Rowan and Declan helped me clean out the extra-large dog crate and move the 6 new little biddies into their new digs!!!! Tulip, Rose, and Daffodil along with Egg, Toast and Jam (these are the 6 new chicks) really like having lots more room to flap around in!
Yesterday my sister Bev went with Jonathan and me to Greenwich, N.Y. to pick up my roving and yarn from the Battenkill Fiber Mill. I was very excited and a little nervous because it was a new place for me to use and you just never know how it will come out. OH MY GOODNESS!! I have the most beautiful pin drafted roving and delicious gray yarn donated by my sheep Spartacus. I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am with the work that they do at this mill. I am going to attach some pictures of the roving and yarn. I got it just in time for the Jamaica Fiber Day this coming Saturday. I will be vending at the Town Hall with several other vendors and its such fun to be with other fiber nuts! We are there in Jamaica,VT from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. so please stop in to check out all the beautiful fiber.
I also went last Friday to Putney Co-op and met Jane Woodhouse to pick up my new "Ladybug" spinning wheel. It is beautiful and spins like a dream. I also picked up the FIber of the Month from Jane. She blended Border-Leicester lambs wool with mohair and its just sooo nice. It would make you drool to spin it! I invited Alison Schantz to come over to play on Sunday and she spun with my wheel. We went to the barn for a little lamb fix. The little lambs are getting very friendly and have to come over to suck on your fingers and get attention. There is just nothing so cute as those little lamb faces and the rodeo that goes on in the pasture!
Saturday afternoon I decided it was time for a little playing on the farm. First I let Tinka and her lambs out and "Yippee"... around and around the pasture Clementine and Chet flew! Chet cannot keep up with his sister and Tinka was like "O.K. you kids just run around like a couple of fools, I am going to gorge myself on grass!" They played for about 20 minutes but the black flies were driving them crazy. I put Tinka and her babies inside and brought out Arly and her two little boys Casper and Custer. Arly was very nervous trying to keep up with two white crazy little lambs and I only left her out for about 10 minutes........too many black flies! Juliette and her two clowns, Cecil and Chloe, were next and totally wild! I left them out for about 45 minutes while I took Kara (Darcy's dog) for a walk. Juliette and her two went back inside and it was Aphrodite's turn to bring her tiny little boys out! Well Cedric came with his mother but poor little Cornelius couldn't figure out how to get out of the stall, finally got out of the stall, out of the barn and then proceeded to cry in the pasture. Aphrodite was a nervous wreck, running after first one then the other! She is still pretty fragile and has a poochy butt so I didn't want the black flies to bite her to much! They went back into their stall and I closed the barn door. It was such fun to see all the lambs play. On Thursday after the Vet visit, Aphrodite, Juliette and Arly can bring their babies out to play together if its not too rainy. Tinka was a total jerk and tried to butt Juliette all over the place and hurt Chloe when we tried to put them together last week. So Tinka and her two kids will go into one pasture that is next to the lamb pasture. Putting Tinka (the Coopworth) in with the Shetland ewes is like putting Arnold Schwarzenegger in with Danny Devito!!!!!!
Well I guess I have covered just about everything for the last week so I will close now and go to bed. Goodnight from Maybelle MaMa