I was suppose to go to the outskirts of Albany, N.Y. yesterday to pick up a 8 month old Finn cross ewe that I was getting. I got a call Thursday evening from the owner saying that the ram had broken in to the pasture where the ewes were and she was afraid that the ewe I was getting might have been bred! I asked her if I paid for boarding, would she keep the ewe until after she lambs and I could get her in the spring. Amy was so nice to let me know about the possibility that Jonie Jump Up could be bred and she agreed to keep her until she has lambed. I will take both Jonie Jump Up and her lamb/lambs. I put my beautiful white Shetland ewe Arly in with Luther on Friday Dec. 18th and she should lamb about May 14th. I decided that I could only handle one ewe delivery this coming spring because of working, taking care of my grandson, and just too much to do. I certainly hope that she has at least one white ewe........with my luck, I can probably plan on one or two moorit (brown) lambs! Luther my moorit (brown) ram was on major overload to see Arly. I thought he was going to keel over and die from trying to breed Arly. He chased her until he couldn't even move and wobbled around! WHEWWWWWW that was quite a love-match!
I was suppose to take some of my needle felted critters over to West Dover,VT to a new Photography/Art Shop, that had its grand opening yesterday. My grandson was sick on Friday and I ended up taking him to the Emergency room Friday afternoon. He has a viral cold, raging ear infection and ended up having to have an updraft treatment in the E.R. for his breathing. He is doing so much better now but it certainly was frightening when he was having trouble breathing. He is only 2 1/2 yrs. old and their airway is so small, I knew he had to have some help. Even though I'm a nurse ( over 42 yrs of nursing) there are times when you need help......thats why there are E.R. facilities and I was sooooo glad to be there with him. I have now come down with a terrible cold and had to cancel out of work for this week-end. I couldn't go near my little 93 yr. old Miriam as she is planning to go to Florida after Christmas. I would not want to pass on this awful cold.
My daughter did chores for me this morning and tramped around the pasture to make trails so the boys could get out of the barn. I know they must be happy to be able to move around. Its been about a week that they couldn't get out to chase each other around. Thank goodness, Darcy was able to help me this morning. I'm afraid if I had gone to the barn this morning, I would have layd down in the hay for a rest. I took my dog on a short walk and that was just about enough for me today. I'm headed back to bed for awhile and see if I can kick this cold before Christmas.
Merry Christmas to everyone from Maybelle Farm and have a Happy,Healthy New Year 2010.
Maybelle MaMa