I am so thankful to have my sheep. They are truly such a comfort to me right now. We currently have 51 sheep and are hoping that we have enough hay to make it through to spring grazing. We kept one full Shetland ram lamb, Zorro, and bred him to Daphne. Daphne is a Shetland and Friesian cross and will hopefully lamb around beginning of April. I am grateful we only bred one ewe this year.
I am also grateful that my family will be around to help me with the farm. My grandchildren are all home doing online classes for school. My daughter Darcy is home from her job as a school librarian. My son and law is a registered nurse/paramedic and is always working so many hours. We are all so concerned for all the healthcare workers, truck drivers, people in grocery stores, etc. It is a very stressful time but if we all work together, we will get through. It is wonderful to see too many people working to help neighbors, friends, family, and anyone who needs help. I just spent part of my afternoons sewing face masks to donate.
I am trying every day to find projects and get things done that have been on the back of the burner for a very long time. Each day if I can get one or two things done, I feel a little better. I am going to tackle painting my living room walls first. My granddaughters painted two walls so I hope I can finish off the rest. I am also trying to make a room that used to be a playroom for the grandchildren into a music room.
So my wish is that every day each and every person will check on someone, and do something kind and thoughtful. Laugh, smile, and enjoy your time at home - and I will post farm updates and share how we are getting through these challenging times.
Maybelle Mama