Our new rescue dog Rhody has been with us for about 6 weeks tomorrow. She is an incredibly sweet little dog and I adore her. She sticks to me like a burr and is just a wonderful little friend. She also loves when Kara, Darcy's 9 yr. old Golden Retriever, comes to visit. They sleep on the x-large dog bed in the living room. Rowan was the first young person she saw when we picked her up in Connecticut last month. Whenever Rowan comes to the house, Rhody is beyond excited. She loves everyone that comes to the house, but definitely is leery of men and boys! She has settled in so well and I am so glad we got her.
Darcy's family went to the Thousand Islands and I was lost without them. It is a lot of work for this old farm girl to be on her own. I can't work like I used to and it is pretty frustrating for me. Darcy set up about 7-8 rolls of portable before she left so the sheep had a lot of grazing. I worked at my niece's restaurant for the 4th of July and then I had Fred Smith come to our house after the parade. He stayed for supper then Jonathan took him home. Jonathan ended up being sick and David took him to Bennington to see a gastroenterologist. He will most likely end up having surgery. He is very anemic and has no energy. He is very frustrated to not be able to do anything. On Tuesday he went to his regular doctor he now has pneumonia. Hopefully he can start to feel better and will see the surgeon at the end of this month.
My grandson Austin is helping at the farm and on Sunday he mowed most of the pastures so the sheep will be able to graze again. When the grass gets up in the whispy stage, they won't eat it. We have had some rain and will get more this weekend. That makes the grass grow really quickly. I also got a load of 100 bales of hay. The barn smells so good with fresh new hay in it.
I have started working at the Ugly Duckling Yarn Shop in West Dover. It is a beautiful shop and it is like sitting in a rainbow of color. I really enjoy being able to help people with projects. Such a nice change and very relaxing. Well I have to go take a shower and get ready for the day. I am going with Darcy, Rowan and Declan today. I'm taking them to the "Farm Table" restaurant in Bernardston,MA. I got a gift card from the Stratton family so I'm treating Darcy and her children to a lunch and day out!
So-long from Maybelle MaMa