Tonight is my "Tap Dance" recital and the children are all very excited and the costumes are beautiful. I love teaching tap dancing and ordering all the costumes. I guess it is the "Smurf" in me! Tomorrow morning we are all getting up very early because Darcy, Rowan and I are headed to Willington, CT. to pick up our new rescue dog "Rhody". She is a Golden Retriever/Yellow Lab cross that we got through the Sunshine Golden Retriever Rescue. I am so excited, I know I won't sleep at all tonight. I will attach some pictures of "Rhody" soon!
There are only two weeks left of school and then Darcy, Rowan and Declan will be back at the farm for the summer. I'm always so grateful when they are here to help me. We are planning classes and have our summer camps in July and August. We are working through many fleeces and some have gone to Battenkill Fiber Mill to be made into yarn and roving. I now need to decide what to do the more of the raw fleeces, some for socks and some for blankets. It is such a busy time at the farm during the summer. Darcy is going to hire Austin (my grandson) to do weed whacking at the farm this summer. We have many rolls of portable fencing and the sheep have so much to graze!
I guess that is all for now so I will sign off and go get ready for the dance recital. So-long from Maybelle MaMa