My oldest Shetland sheep, Spartacus, turned 16 years old on April 25th. He is such a sweet old man and still tries to run and bounce with his girls! My daughter talked to one of our shearers and they are staying in place in the Northeast Kingdom and not shearing this spring. So we do not have a shearing date at this time and are working on finding someone else to shear soon. Our sheep will appreciate it as it's supposed to be almost 80 degrees today!
My son and grandson have been loading and delivering manure to people for their gardens. It’s time to clean out the barn and the pasture by the barn! Next we have to walk the pastures to check all the fence posts and wire. The portable fences are going up in the fields and the screens need to bet put in the barn windows. There is always so much to do on the farm everyday
My grandson Austin graduates from Leland and Gray high school this year. Due to Covid 19 - all of the regular end of year celebrations and activities cannot take place. Earlier this week a "parade" arrived at my sons house from the high school to deliver a special sign to Austin. I am very proud of him and know he will do well with his "Meeks Maintenance" business that he is setting up.
Two batches of baby chicks have arrived at the farm to make up for the ones the fox killed! My daughter got some Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Blues, Amerlinks, and Brown Leghorns. My daffodils and tulips have blossomed and the lilac bushes will be bursting out soon. It really is a wonderful time of year. I love being outside working with all the trees and flowers blossoming, birds chirping and my sheep calling to me every time the spot me outside.....life is good at Maybelle Farm.