The sheep are very happy and cannot keep up with the grass right now. It's a very nice feeling to have plenty of grazing for them. Yesterday we had another first at the farm. When Darcy's family came home about 7 p.m. last night, Rowan could see a lamb out by the barn by the orange portable fence. This was the complete opposite side of the barn from his mother and the other ewes and lambs. "Noah" was out with Darcy's chickens wandering around! How did he get up on that side of the barn?????? His mother was down in the regular pasture crying for her baby! They managed to get Noah into the pasture and back with his mother. It was quite a mystery until I went into the barn to do chores. I took my grain bucket to go downstairs, picked up a bale of hay to throw downstairs and "Oh my goodness".... there at the bottom of the stairs was little Noah (again)and his mother Opal. Noah was headed right up the stairs with Opal right behind him!! We have never had a sheep come up the stairs onto the dance floor in the barn! Well, the reason he could manage this was the gate was open downstairs in the barn so they could come into the middle, this was quite an adventure for a little lamb! I always say, you never know what will happen at the farm........!
I'm going with Darcy, Rowan and Declan this morning to get 10-12 bales of hay from a farm in Manchester. I shut the Moms and lambs in at nighttime so I put out a little hay. My regular hay lady will have some first cut in about three weeks. I so do love the smell of fresh hay in the barn! I have to get busy skirting fleeces because Darcy will be taking them to Prince Edward Island to have blankets made. I taught a wet felting class at Windham Elementary School last Wednesday. It was such fun to felt bars of soap and make felted beads. Yesterday I went with my brother Alan to play at Thompson House Nursing Home. June is such a busy month with graduations, weddings, etc... On Sunday June 22nd I will have my tap dance recital at the Wardsboro Town Hall. The children's costumes are so nice and what fun. They will be dancing to songs like "Good Ship Lollipop", Gummy Bear, Ghostbusters, Compass, Your the One that I Want, and many more.
I'm going to be adding some fiber classes to our site. If you want to have a fiber felting class, I will do a class at your house or in your local town hall. We will be having our summer fiber camps in July and August. There is so much to fit into the summer that the time seems to fly by. So long from Maybelle MaMa.