Grace Cottage Hospital Fair Day was the first Saturday in August. I went to it with my daughter Darcy and my grandchildren Rowan and Declan. I also had to play with the Bills Band that evening during the chicken barbeque. Next came the August Farm &Fiber Camp, which was a very busy week. My favorite day that week was when we all walked across the field and each student made a "Fairy House". They had to pick up things to use to make the fairy house, the night before construction. Each student arrived with a bag of items to put in their fairy house. We then had to go back the next day to see what happened and it looked like some little animal or fairy had decided to move in to a couple of the houses.
Next in August my very special sheep Vinca got sick. I came home from work on a Thursday evening and Rowan called and said I needed to go to the barn, Vinca was blind. It was quite a battle to save her but Darcy and Todd stayed with her that night and took turns checking on her. The Vet came on Friday and I had to give her Thiamine shots three times a day for 3 days. She slowly make her way back to me and I am beyond thrilled to say she is doing so much better. I wrote on the Shetland sheep site on Facebook and got a lot of encouraging messages and suggestions. Whew, that was quite the week and I hope we don't have to do that again.
Darcy and Todd finished the new pastures out front of the farmhouse. Darcy moved another group of ewe sheep and put them together with the Moms and lambs from this year. It was quite an adjustment with a lot of butting and trying to sort out who when with who. They also mowed a lot of the very tall grass so there should be some very nice grazing for the sheep. It seems like life is pretty great here at the farm right now. I do have to sell a few sheep before winter and get another delivery of hay.
My summer job is going to end on Sept. 3rd. My sweet little Catherine is 99 yrs. old and moving to Belmont Manor. We have had such a beautiful summer on Toby Hill and I will miss her a lot. Its quite an adjustment to get back to life here on the hill after working many hours with Catherine. I know there is alot of work waiting for me because I now have to start getting everything ready to take to the Sandwich Fair on Columbus Day weekend in New Hampshire. We will stay with my cousin Roger and Robin, and be away Friday through Monday. That is an amazing fair and I did very, VERY well last year.
Well, I have to get dressed,go to the farmhouse and take pictures of Darcy, Rowan and Declan. Today is the first day of school for them. Rowan is going into 4th grade and Declan is going into 1st grade. This is very exciting and Declan said he is going to wear his "handsome clothes" today. So-long from Maybelle MaMa