I have been working all through the beginning of October to get all my stuff ready for the Gilfeather Turnip Festival last weekend. Thank goodness I have had Olivia to help me on Saturdays or I would have never been able to get stuff ready. Olivia didn't have school on Friday Oct. 21, so she helped me do a lot of things here at the farm. We moved sheep, packed up everything with the help of Agathe, Emma,and Jonathan and loaded the van for the Festival on Saturday Oct. 22. I left here at 8:15 a.m. and Agathe, Olivia and Emma helped me set up my booth and be ready to sell. My booth was outdoors in a tent and by early afternoon, more rain arrived. There was a very big crowd but not a lot of sales. We were all very excited because the Library was selling raffle tickets for the beautiful wool mural that was made at the Fiber Fun Camp this summer. I think someone from Connecticut won the mural.
On Thursday Oct. 20 my sweet little white Casper ( ram lamb) went to his new home in Windham,VT. He will be with 5 ewes and I'm sure he is a very happy little boy. On Sunday Oct. 23 my little Cedric (ram Lamb) went to Maryland to be with some very beautiful Shetland ewes. I am so happy that both little boys went to very nice farms and hopefully produce some lovely lambs. I have Custer (white ram lamb) that should go for breeding because he is so handsome but so far no-one has inquired about him.
Saturday evening I went with my daughter Darcy and her children Rowan and Declan plus my niece Cindy to a Medieval Dinner at Flood Brook Union School in Londonderry. We had dinner there that you eat with your fingers, the children did a great job as servers and they put on a skit. It was a really nice evening with lots of laughs. The attached picture shows Rowan dressed as a princess and Declan as the Blue Cross Knight! Cindy and Darcy both dressed up but I went as the party pooper.........shepardess! HA HA!
Monday morning Jonathan and I loaded three dog crates inro our van and drove to Donna Carlucci's Farm in Center Sandwich, N.H. We went to pick up two little Shetland ewe lambs and two Shetland adult ewes. It was such fun to get to have a short visit with Donna and Ken. I wish they were my neighbors......but oh my, the trouble Donna and I would be in. :-) You see, we both LOVE our sheep and like the saying for potato chips......"I bet you can't have just one"! HA HA! Well we loaded little Maggie and Cedar into one crate. Flopsy in her own crate and Rosie in the third crate. They were wonderful travelers and when we got home, they hopped right out into the pasture. Olivia, Emma, Agathe and Bill all arrived and could not believe how tiny the two little ewe lambs are. We were all so excited and they are just beautiful sheep. Emma and Olivia come over each night to take care of the little girls. Last night I went to their house to check out their barn/stall for the two little girls. It will work out really well and will be very secure. Bill has done a great job and will put down plywood for the floor and hook up electric fence for security. The little ewes arrived on the Oct. 24 and will go up to their new home in three weeks. It's so rewarding to pass on the knowledge about raising sheep and to see both girls so happy.
My grandson Declan had a sleepover last night and I took care of him today. I've got on my flannel pajamas and am going to curl up with a good book for a little while then off to bed. Oh yes, when Darcy got home this afternoon, it was snowing and we decided to move the 4 new sheep into another pasture closer to the farmhouse. Darcy and Rowan put hay in both sheds, brought some loose minerals for them and I took the grain bucket to the pasture where they were waiting. I opened the gate and said, "Come with me little ladies" and down the road we walked like a parade. They are just absolutely too cute and I'm attaching some pictures. The white spots are the snowflakes on my camera lens.
Goodnight from Maybelle MaMa