Well yesterday I went with my son David, my grandson Austin and my grandaughter Ella to Sandwich, N.H. We loaded David's pickup with a large load of lumber for Donna and Ken Carlucci at Kindred Spirit Farm. We got up early and left at 7 a.m., stopped twice and got up there at 10:30 a.m. We unloaded the lumber and visited with all the animals. Oh my goodness!!!! I got to see Petunia, the absolutely beautiful little shetland ewe that Donna found, who is the Bitterroot Ranch line. I wanted so badly to get in the pasture to visit with her and play but I knew if I did we would not get going to "The Fun Spot". Well we followed Donna and Ken to the Fun Spot and WOW, we had an absolute ball playing all the games and winning, winning, winning lots of tickets. David and Austin bowled with the big Balls and Ella and I bowled with the small balls. It was so much fun and I got two funny videos of this bowling event. Thank you to Donna and Ken for our lunch at the Fun Spot too! Austin had spotted some Go-Karts on our way into the Fun Spot so that was next on the list of fun things to do. I really laughed to watch Austin zip around the track and pass David and Ella...........very funny video too! We headed for home about 4 p.m., stopped at a fun diner and ended up back home about 8:30 p.m. What a fun day!
Today I worked up at the barn cleaning and Donald came to clean out the stalls. I'm trying to get things cleaned up and ready for cold weather. Darcy built a fire in their Jotul stove and it certainly makes the farm house cozy. Darcy, Rowan and Declan were cooking up a storm today and the farmhouse smelled so good. Everything is good at the farm right now and I spent a lot of time this afternoon working with Olivia labeling aprons, bags, shirts,etc.etc. to go to the Sandwich fair this coming Friday. Its very exciting but I'm pretty nervous about it too. Got to close and get some ore needlefelting done.
So-Long from Maybelle MaMa.