Yesterday I had a needlefelting class and the project for the morning was to make a small Santa. I' m putting a picture of the finished results and they are wonderful. It was such an nice class with talking and lots of laughing... how I wish I could teach more classes. I have to say that needlefelting truly makes me happy! I'm working frantically trying to get enough things made for the "Bright Lights Craft Fair" in Wilmington on Dec. 13th. I have knitted hats and made a lot of stuff to sell. I will be in a vending space next to Karen Wheeler of "Wheeler Wovens" and we will laugh away the day. It's a wonderful event so please stop in to say "Hi" and check out all the amazing things for sale.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I got to have Darcy, Rowan, Declan and their dog Kara stay we us over Thanksgiving break. They are without bathrooms at the farmhouse so they are here with me. Kara and our cat Tigger are slowly getting used to each other and it's very entertaining. Kara has to carry a toy in her mouth and tries very hard not to look at the cat. The cat is now stalking Kara and getting closer and closer......very funny to watch.
So life is good at the farm and its so nice to have most of the sheep at the barn. Chores are much easier for me and it's nice to be able to visit with the different ones. I will put on a couple of pictures of the sheep in the snow as they seem to really like it. I think that is about it for now so I will say so long from Maybelle MaMa.