We have everyone moved to their winter homes at the farm, heater buckets working and the hog panels up to keep the sheep away from the barn when the snow comes crashing off the roof. Darcy, Rowan and Declan brought the big green metal hay feeder to the barn. Noah, Norman, Fritz and Franklin are in a small pasture with a big shed down by my house. Jonathan's two new biddies are now laying eggs. Overall - life is good at the farm.
On Friday December 4, I had a booth at the Flood Brook School Christmas Bazaar. I brought some of our blankets, lap robes, yarn, socks, boot felts, needlefelted Santas, sheep and acorn tree ornaments, felted soap and other creations. Rowan made bracelets and rings to sell. Declan and Darcy made dog bones to sell. Darcy started selling with help from Rowan because I had to do chores and then drive up to the school. We ended up doing very well - sold quite a few different things along with some of the kids creations. I also ended up with orders for some needle felting projects and kits. It was a fun day and we enjoyed meeting all of the people that came to shop - next year we need to have more things made to sell to the kids.
So this is it for a happy farm blog. Merry Christmas,Happy New Year to everyone from Maybelle Farm. So long from Maybelle MaMa.