Declan and Rowan were able to go with my nephews Tim and David Brown, their cousins Nick, Maddie and Alecia, to tap the maple trees and hang the metal buckets with covers. Hopefully the sap will run and they will be able to go to my Dad's old sugarhouse and watch them boiling and have a sugar on snow party. Yum, fresh maple syrup!
Last week I woke up with a toothache........ugh! I went to the dentist and I have a gold crown that seems to have a root that is infected. I'm on antibiotics and then headed next week to White River Junction,VT to a specialist for root canal! I don't remember ever having a toothache like this. Oh my goodness, I know labor was much easier than this! I can't go to the specialist until March 14th and hope that the antibiotic will help enough until I can get the root canal done!
Well the foolish old "Sheep Smurf" strikes again here at the farm. I have an ongoing battle with Thistle, my big, handsome moorit ram. He has the very large backroom in the barn but wants so much to get in and see the ewes! This is normal, but he has been beating my green gate with a vengeance, which is now almost beyond repair. I went to our local farm store and asked what else they had for gates. Sara said the green were the first level, blue was stronger and red was the strongest. O.K. Sheep Smurf Me says "Order me a 6 foot RED gate" ! It arrived and Jonathan went to get it yesterday and brought it home on the TOP of his car. He said I would have to go help him get it off the top of his car, to which I reply "O.K. I can help with that". We went up to the barn and "Holy Hen Poop" that is one heavy gate!! I got to laughing so badly because: # 1. I don't know how I will hang it and # 2. I don't know if I could open and close it! I can tell you, Thistle will not beat this gate up! Oh well, this is how I farm! I skip along through life not doing any farm stuff the way it probably should be done. I have my own Smurf methods.
It was a nice morning at the farm. Each morning I go feed and let Jonathan's three Golden Wyandottes out and visit with them. Next I go up to the shed to feed and visit with my twin moorit ram lambs.......just too cute. Up to the farmhouse and get Kara, my daughter Darcy's dog, to go to the barn and get hay and bring it back to the show pasture for Custer, my handsome white ram, and his buddies Chet and Cecil. Stop at Darcy's henhouse to feed and water her chickens. Then out to the barn to take care of a barn full of sheep, there are 36 sheep in the barn and everyone is just munching away on such lovely hay. I sit down on the steps when chores are done and its so peaceful to listen to everyone chewing on the hay, the smell of the nice hay! Oh my, I think a cot in the barn would be a nice place to stay!
So-long from Maybelle MaMa