Its Sunday night July 18th and WOW what a day we have had at the farm. This was the "Wild and Woolly" workshop taught by Patty Blomgren and it was beyond exciting. Alison,Cheryl,Patty and I made some of the most beautiful yarns doing coils,adding nubs to the yarn,adding beads that was just more fun than I can describe and making up very colorful batts.
The class was suppose to be 1-4 p.m. but we finally called it quits at 6 p.m. and not because we wanted to stop. Its called making dinner, doing chores, and bothersome stuff like that! I wrote a note to Patty, Alison and Cheryl and told them I was over the top excited about today. It was like drinking too much Mountain Dew. That could be either the soda pop or the "good old mountain dew". I took Patty out to the barn to see Juliette's fleece and she is going to wash, card and make it into roving for me. Juliette's fleece is a combination of black,dark charcoal and med gray. The staple length is incredibly long and it definitely is one super fleece.
Darcy,Todd,Rowan and Declan have gone to Maine today and will be back Wed. I'm staying at the farm with their dog Kara, the chickens, the sheep and the garden. I enjoy staying there because it is where I grew up and where my mother was born. Kara and I lay on the couch, eat popcorn and watch TV........oh what a stressful time!!!!!
Well I've got to go shut the chickens in, the sheep are all taken care of and so its popcorn time for Maybelle MaMa and Kara. Goodnight!